In-Person Voting
If you plan to vote in person on election day, here are a few general regulations to be aware of:
Polls are open on election day from 7 AM to 8 PM. If you are in line before the polls close, you are allowed to vote. Please do not leave.
If you are voting in person at your polling location for the first time, you will need to present a valid ID (passport, driver's license).
If you have voted at your polling location before, you do not need to present an ID to vote.
If you ever need a sample ballot, assistance, or any guidance at the polls, there should always be a UPT Republican Party representative at the polls. You can also ask any of the poll workers inside the polling location for more information.
While not always the case, generally speaking, polls are busiest from 8 AM until 11 AM. Wait times vary by election (Presidential, Midterm, or Municipal). Email us for more detail if you're trying to fit an in-person vote into a busy schedule.
In-Person Voting Instructions
Note: The in-person voting process has recently changed. If you would like to learn everything about the new voting process, please refer to these instructions from the Delaware County Board of Elections.
You will be given a paper ballot and directed to a private security-screened area to review your ballot.
Mark your ballot, using blue or black ink only.
Fill in your selected boxes completely. Fill out the front and the back.
Review your ballot. If you believe you need a new ballot (perhaps you mismarked one of your intended candidates), simply ask a poll worker for a new ballot. They will provide a new ballot and spoil/destroy your existing ballot.
Take your ballot to the ballot scanner.
Animated green arrows show you where to insert your paper ballot. Insert your ballot.
(There is no wrong way to insert your ballot. The scanner reads both sides of the ballot.) -
Note that on-screen and audio notices may alert you to possible errors on your ballot.
If necessary, make corrections, or press the “Cast Ballot as-is” button.
The screen will confirm that your ballot has been cast. The ballot will be physically stored in the locked ballot box. After the polls close, poll workers will deliver the ballots to the county election office, where they will be stored in the event of an audit.
Congratulations. Your vote has been cast!
Step-By-Step Guidance
How to Use the Ballot Scanner